How Do I Update WordPress Plugins via FTP?

Updating WordPress plugins via FTP can be a daunting task, but it is not as difficult as you may think. In this article, we will outline the steps necessary to update a WordPress plugin using FTP.

First, you will need to locate the plugin files on your server. In most cases, this will be in the wp-content/plugins directory.

Once you have located the plugin files, you will need to use your FTP client to connect to your server and navigate to the wp-content/plugins directory.

Next, you will need to use the FTP client to copy the plugin files to your computer. You can either copy the entire directory or select specific files to copy.

Once you have copied the files, you will need to upload the files to your server using FTP.

Once the files have been uploaded, you will need to activate the plugin on your WordPress site. To do this, you will need to log in to your WordPress site and locate the plugins page.

On the plugins page, you will need to locate the activation button for the plugin and click on it.

Once the activation process has been completed, you will need to activate the plugin on your server. To do this, you will need to locate the plugin folder on your server and copy the activate.php file to the directory.

Next, you will need to open the activate.php file and add the correct information for your plugin.

Finally, you will need to update the plugin on your WordPress site. To do this, you will need to locate the plugins page on your WordPress site and activate the plugin.

After the activation process has been completed, you will need to update the plugin on your site.

In conclusion, updating WordPress plugins via FTP can be a daunting task, but it is not as difficult as you may think. By following the steps outlined in this article, you will be able to update your plugins with ease.