How Do I Make My WordPress Homepage HTML?

Making your WordPress homepage HTML is simple. All you need is a text editor and a basic understanding of HTML. Open your WordPress site in your text editor, and locate the file called wp-config.

php. This file contains all the information about your WordPress site. Within this file, you will find the line that reads:.

define(‘WP_HOME’, ”);

This line tells WordPress which directory to look for the files that it needs to run your site. By default, WordPress looks in the folder that you installed WordPress in, which is usually called wp-content.

However, you can also specify an alternate location for WordPress to look for files by adding the following line to your wp-config.php file:.

define(‘WP_HOME’, ‘C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\WordPress\’);

If you want to make your homepage HTML file reside in a different folder than the WordPress files, you will need to use the same WP_HOME line, but replace username with your actual Windows user name. For example, if your username is steve, your line in wp-config.php would look like this:

define(‘WP_HOME’, ‘C:\Documents and Settings\steve\My Documents\WordPress\’);

Once you have defined the WP_HOME line, all you need to do is add a line to your wp-config.php file that tells WordPress where to find your homepage HTML file. To do this, add the following line to the file:

define(‘HOME’, ‘c:\your_page_html_folder’);

Replace c:\your_page_html_folder with the location of the folder where you want WordPress to look for your homepage HTML file. If you want WordPress to use the same folder as your WordPress files, you can simply use the same WP_HOME line as above. If you want to use a different folder, you will need to enter the full path to that folder, like this:

Once you have defined the HOME line, WordPress will look for your homepage HTML file in the same folder as your WordPress files.