Does Free WordPress Have Ads?

WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) that powers millions of websites, including The New York Times, Forbes, and The Guardian. WordPress has been widely used for years, and it’s one of the most popular CMS platforms on the internet.

However, WordPress does have ads., the domain, and the WordPress apps and plugins that are available on the domain all have ads.

The ads on are contextual and served via a third-party ad network. The ads on are also non-intrusive and don’t slow down your website or interfere with your site’s functionality. is a paid subscription service, but is not.

org is a free and open-source project that anyone can use. You can install and use WordPress on your own website or on a server that you own or manage.

Overall, WordPress does have ads. However, they are non-intrusive and don’t slow down your website or interfere with your site’s functionality.