How Do I Change My WordPress Plugin Slug?

When developing plugins, it’s important to have a good slug for your plugin. A slug is simply a unique name for your plugin that will be used by WordPress to index your plugin and make it searchable.

There are a few ways to change your slug. The most common way is to use the plugin’s name as your slug.

For example, if your plugin’s name is “My Awesome Plugin,” your slug would be “my-awesome-plugin.”.

Another way to change your slug is to use the version number as your slug. For example, if your plugin is version 1.0.0, your slug would be “1.


Finally, you can use the API function wp_generate_slug() to create a slug for your plugin. This function takes a few parameters, including your plugin’s name and version number.

If you don’t want to use the version number as your slug, you can pass in the empty string as the second parameter.

Once you have your slug, you should publish your plugin and make sure that it’s listed in the WordPress plugin repository. Then, you can start using your new slug in your plugin’s code and on your plugin’s website.

Remember, it’s important to keep your slug consistent across all of your marketing materials, including your website, plugin listing, and plugin documentation.


Changing your WordPress plugin slug is a simple task that can help you keep your plugin and marketing materials consistent. Remember to use the plugin’s name as your slug, use the version number as your slug, or use the API function wp_generate_slug().