How Do I Change Text Comments in WordPress?

Text comments are a great way to share your thoughts with others on a post or article. But sometimes you might want to change the text of a comment.

In this article, we’ll show you how to change text comments in WordPress.

To change text comments in WordPress, you first need to open the comment form. To do this, go to the post or article where the comment form is located, and then click on the comments link in the bottom left corner.

Once you are on the comment form, you will see a list of all the comments on the post. If the comment you want to change is the first one on the list, then you can click on the comment’s ID number to open the comment in its own window.

To change the text of the comment, you will first need to open the comment’s text box. Then, you will need to click on the “Edit” link next to the text box.

This will open the comment’s editing window. Here, you will be able to change the text of the comment.

You will also be able to add new text, delete text, and change the formatting of the text.

Once you have finished editing the comment, you will need to click on the “Submit” button to send the comment to the WordPress server.

Once the comment has been submitted, the new text will appear in the comment’s text box and the “Edit” link will no longer be available.

If you want to keep the old text comment, then you can simply click on the “Keep Original” button. This will keep the old comment unchanged, and the new text will not appear in the comment box.


Changing text comments in WordPress is easy and can be done in a few simple steps. By changing the text of a comment, you can easily make your comments more accurate and up to date.