How Do I Change the Logo in WordPress CSS?

Changing the logo in WordPress is a fairly straightforward process. The first step is to open the WordPress admin panel and navigate to the Appearance → Customize Theme menu item.

From here, you can select the Logo field and enter the new logo file in the corresponding field.

If you want to change the logo for all posts and pages, you can use the following code in your theme’s functions.php file:

add_action(‘init’, ‘change_logo’); function change_logo() { global $wp_logo; $wp_logo = get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘logo’, true); if (empty($wp_logo)) { $wp_logo = get_header()->image; } $logo = $wp_logo->save(); }

Finally, you can update the header.php file to include the new logo:


Changing the logo in WordPress is a relatively simple process. You can use the Appearance → Customize Theme menu item to change the logo for all posts and pages, or you can use code in your theme’s functions.

php file to change the logo for individual posts.