How Do I Change the Order of FAQs in WordPress?

When you create a new WordPress site, by default the FAQs are listed in the order:

1. WordPress
2. Installation
3. Getting Started
4. WordPress Settings
5. WordPress Plugins

WordPress Themes
7. WordPress Development
8. WordPress Security
9. WordPress Support
10. WordPress Resources.

In order to change the order of FAQs, you will need to edit your WordPress site’s wp-config.php file.

To do this, open your WordPress site in your web browser, and go to the file in your site’s root directory. Then, locate the line that reads:.

define( ‘WP_HOME’, dirname( __FILE__ ) );

And, replace it with the following:

define( ‘WP_HOME’, dirname( __FILE__ ) . ‘/www’);

This line defines the WordPress root directory, which is where the wp-config.php file resides. Now, you can change the order of FAQs by editing the line that reads:

define( ‘WP_HOME’, dirname( __FILE__ ) . ‘/FAQs’);

to read:

define( ‘WP_HOME’, dirname( __FILE__ ) . ‘/FAQs’,’Development’,’Settings’,’Plugins’,’Themes’,’Resources’);.