How Do I Make a WordPress Site Parallax?

Making a WordPress site parallax can be a fun and easy way to add an extra layer of depth and interest to your website. In this article, we will walk you through the basics of how to create a parallax effect on your WordPress site.

1. Choose a Site Layout

Before you begin setting up your parallax effect, you first need to choose a layout for your site. There are a number of different options available, and you can choose whichever one feels most appropriate for your website.

2. Choose a Background Image

Once you have chosen a layout, you will need to choose a background image. This image will serve as the background for your parallax effect.

3. Set Up the Parallax Effect

Now that you have chosen a background image and layout, you will need to set up your parallax effect. To do this, you will first need to create a new file called parallax.


Inside of this file, you will need to include the following code:

init’ );


This code will initialise the parallax plugin and add it to the WP_Plugins array. After including this file, you will need to add a reference to it in your site’s header.

You can do this by adding the following line to your wp-config.php file:.

require_once( ‘parallax.php’ );

4. Add the Parallax Effect to Your Site

Now that you have included the parallax plugin and set up the necessary configuration, you can add the effect to your site. To do this, you will first need to add a new background image to your site.

Once you have added this new background image, you will need to repeat the steps outlined in step 3, but this time use the new background image as the source for the parallax effect.

After completing these steps, your website should look something like this:.