How Do I Change the Site Title and Tagline Font in WordPress?

In order to change the title and tagline font in WordPress, you will first need to go to the Settings menu and then to the Appearance section. Here, you will find two tabs: General and Title & Tagline. On the General tab, you will find the Title & Tagline font option. To change the font, you will first need to select it from the list and then choose the font you want to use from the font selection menu.

Once you have chosen the font, you will need to click on the Apply button to apply the changes. Finally, you will need to click on the Save Changes button to save the changes.

If you want to change the font for the entire website, you will need to go to the WordPress core files and modify the wp-config.php file. Here, you will find the title_font and tagline_font settings.

To change the font, you will first need to change the value of the title_font setting and then change the value of the tagline_font setting. Once you have changed the values, you will need to click on the Save Changes button to save the changes.