How Do I Check My WordPress Site for Malware?

If you’re concerned about a potential malware infection on your WordPress site, there are a few things you can do to check for infection. First, be sure to scan your site for malware using a reputable malware scanning service like VirusTotal.

If you find any malicious files or code on your site, remove them immediately.

If you don’t have access to a malware scanning service, you can also use a free online malware scanner like Just enter your site’s URL into the tool’s search bar, and it will scan it for malware.

If you find any malicious files or code, please report them to so that they can be removed from the site.

Finally, remember that even if your site is free of malware, it’s still possible for someone to hack into it and gain access to your personal information. Always be sure to keep your site’s security measures up to date, and don’t share your login information with anyone.