How Do I Create a Conditional Drop Down List in WordPress?

Creating a conditional drop down list in WordPress is a relatively simple process. To create a conditional drop down list, first add a new row to the table you wish to use as the drop down list.

In the row, you will want to add a field called “conditional.” In the conditional field, you will want to enter the following code:.

if( $value == “yes” )



elseif( $value == “no” )


Next, you will need to create a new field in your posts or pages where you will house the list of items that will be included in the conditional drop down list. In the new field, you will want to add the following code:


“conditional” => “yes”


Now, you will need to create a link in your posts or pages that will take users to the conditionally loaded posts or pages. To do this, you will first need to add a new link field to your posts or pages. In the link field, you will want to enter the following code:

Next, you will need to add the following code to the link field:


Now, when users click on the link, the posts or pages in the conditional drop down list will be loaded.