How Do I Create a WordPress Document Library?

A document library is a great way to organize and manage your WordPress content. To create a document library, first create a new folder in your WordPress site and name it “documentlibrary.

” Then, add any files you want to include in your library. To add a file to your library, click the “Upload” button on the library’s main page, and then select the file you want to upload.

Once you’ve added your files, you can start organizing them into folders. To do this, click the “Folder” button on the library’s main page, and then select the folder you want to create the library folder in.

Next, click the “New” button, and then select the “Folder” type. You can then enter a name for the folder, and then click the “OK” button.

Now that you’ve created your library, you can start adding content to it. To add a new file to your library, click the “Upload” button on the library’s main page, and then select the file you want to upload.

Next, click the “Add to Library” button, and then enter the library’s URL in the “Add Library URL” field. You can then click the “OK” button to add the file to your library.

To view the contents of your library, click the “Browse” button on the library’s main page, and then select the folder you want to view the files in. Next, click the “Files” button, and then select the file you want to view.

You can then click the “Open” button to open the file in your browser.


Creating a document library is a great way to organize and manage your WordPress content. You can use the library to store files such as blog posts, images, and videos.

You can also use the library to store files that you want to access frequently.