How Do I Create a Custom Post Slider in WordPress?

Creating a custom post slider in WordPress is a relatively easy process. First, create a new file in your WordPress theme called post_slider.

php. In this file, you will need to include the following code:.

Next, you will need to add a few variables to this file. The first is the id of the post slider you wish to create. This can be found in the wp_posts table by selecting the post ID and clicking on the “ID” button. The second is the name of the file that will be used to display the post slider. This can be anything you want, but it is important to remember to include the .

php extension. The last variable is the loop type. This can be either “one” or “ infinite”. The “one” loop will display the post slider once, while the “infinite” loop will continuously display the post slider.

In the final section of the post_slider.php file, you will need to include the code for the post slider.

This code will include the HTML and CSS for the post slider. The HTML will include the code for the post, while the CSS will control the look and feel of the post slider. The code for the post slider in this example is as follows:.


The final step in creating a custom post slider in WordPress is to include the file in your theme. To do this, locate the theme folder in your WordPress installation and add the post_slider.

php file to the theme. Finally, add the following line to the bottom of your theme’s header:.

//add custom post sliders ‘post’, ‘post_id’ => get_the_ID(), ‘name’ => ‘my-slider’, ‘show’ => ‘true’, ‘position’ => ‘bottom’, ‘controls’ => ‘true’, ‘autoplay’ => ‘true’, ‘duration’ => ‘3000’, )); ?>

That’s it! Now you can create a custom post slider in WordPress.