How Do I Create a Header and Footer in WordPress?

Header and Footer in WordPress

A header and footer are important elements of any website. They provide structure and can help to keep your site looking professional.

In WordPress, you can create a header and footer using the Header and Footer menus in the WordPress editor.

To create a header in WordPress, go to the Header menu and click on the Create Header button. This will open the Header Creation Wizard.

In the first step of the wizard, you will need to choose a title for your header. This title will appear in the browser tab containing your WordPress site’sheader, as well as in the Title bar of any other webpages that include your WordPress content.

Next, you will need to define the layout of your header. You can choose to have a fixed header or a header that can be customized to suit your site’s look and feel.

To create a footer in WordPress, go to the Footer menu and click on the Create Footer button. This will open the Footer Creation Wizard.

In the first step of the wizard, you will need to choose a title for your footer. This title will appear in the browser tab containing your WordPress site’sfooter, as well as in the Title bar of any other webpages that include your WordPress content.

Next, you will need to define the layout of your footer. You can choose to have a fixed footer or a footer that can be customized to suit your site’s look and feel.

Finally, you will need to specify the position of your header and footer on your page. You can choose to have them appear at the top or the bottom of your page, or even in between the content and the sidebar.

Once you have completed the header and footer creation wizard, your header and footer will appear in the WordPress editor. You can customize their appearance using the Appearance menu in the WordPress editor.


Creating a header and footer in WordPress is easy and can help to improve the look and feel of your WordPress site.