How Do I Create a Simple Custom Post Order in WordPress?

Creating a custom post order in WordPress is a relatively simple process. First, you’ll need to create a new custom post type. Then, you’ll need to add a post type archive page to your theme.

Finally, you’ll need to add a new orderby clause to your posts’ custom post type archive page. Here’s a guide that walks through each of these steps in detail.

1. Create a New Custom Post Type

To create a custom post order in WordPress, you first need to create a new custom post type. To do this, open your WordPress admin area and click on the “Custom posts” link in the main menu. Then, click on the “Add new post type” button and enter the following information into the popup window:

Name: Order

Description: A custom post type for displaying posts in a specific order

2. Add a Post Type Archive Page to Your Theme

Next, you’ll need to add a post type archive page to your theme. To do this, open your theme’s header.php file and add the following code:


* Add the ‘order’ post type archive page.


add_action(‘init’, ‘add_post_type_archive’);

function add_post_type_archive() {

$posts = get_the_posts();

register_post_type(‘order’, $posts);


This code will add a new archive page to your theme called “order.” You’ll need to Edit this page to add the necessary information.

3. Add a New Orderby Clause to Your Posts’ Custom Post Type Archive Page

Now, you’ll need to add a new orderby clause to your posts’ custom post type archive page. To do this, open your posts’ archive page (on the “order” post type archive page you created in step 2) and add the following code:


This code will order your posts by their title. You can also use other orderby clauses, such as orderby=”date” or orderby=”post_date” .

4. Test Your Custom Post Order

Now that you’ve created and configured your custom post order, you’ll need to test it. To do this, go to your blog’s front page and click on any post title.

Then, click on the “Order by” button and select “Post title.” You’ll now see your posts ordered according to their title.