How Do I Create a Block Widget in WordPress?

Creating a block widget in WordPress is a straightforward process. First, you will need to create a new file in your WordPress theme folder.

Name the file block.php and add the following code:.

name = ‘My Block’;

$widget->description = ‘A block widget for your WordPress site’;

$widget->add_action(‘init’, ‘my_block_init’);

$widget->add_action(‘admin_menu’, ‘my_block_admin_menu’);


Next, you will need to create a function to initialize the widget. Name the function my_block_init and add the following code:

function my_block_init() {

// Get the block content

$content = get_template_part(‘content’, ‘my-block’);

// Add the block to the page

$page = get_page(‘My Block’);

$block = $page->find_element(‘#my-block’);

$block->add_action(‘custom_css’, ‘my_block_custom_css’);

$block->add_action(‘custom_js’, ‘my_block_custom_js’);


Finally, you will need to add the my_block_init function to the widget’s admin_menu action. To do this, locate the my-block file in your theme folder and add the following line at the bottom:

function my_block_admin_menu() {

// Get the widget

$widget = get_theme_modal_widget(‘my-block’);

// Show the widget


Once you have completed these steps, your block widget will be ready to use in your WordPress site.