How Do I Create a Custom Modal in WordPress?

Creating a custom modal in WordPress is simple. First, create a new file in your theme’s directory called modal.

php. This file will contain the code for your modal. Within this file, you will need to include the following lines:.

require_once ‘./theme- files/modal.


Next, you will need to create a function that will create your modal. This function will take two arguments: the title of your modal and the content of your modal. Below is the code for this function:

function modal_create( $title, $content ) {

$modal = new WPBakeryShortcode();

$modal->setShortcode( ‘modal-title’, $title );

$modal->setShortcode( ‘modal-content’, $content );

return $modal;


Now, you will need to add this function to your theme’s functions.php file.

After doing this, you will need to create a template file for your modal. This template file will contain the code for your modal’s header and content area./theme- files/header.

Once you have these files included, you will need to create a template for your modal’s content area. This template file will contain the code for your modal’s content. Within this file, you will need to include the following lines: