How Do I Create a Simple Login Page in WordPress?

Creating a login page in WordPress can be a daunting task, but with a little know-how, it’s not too difficult. In this article, we will walk you through the steps necessary to create a simple login page in WordPress.

First, you will need to create a login form. To do this, open up the WordPress admin panel and go to Settings > General > Login.

On the login form, you will need to enter the username and password of the user you want to log in as.

Once you have entered the required information, you will need to create a login function. To do this, open up the functions.php file located in the WordPress root folder and add the following code:

function login() { $username = $_POST[‘username’]; $password = $_POST[‘password’]; if ( ! valid_username($username) || ! valid_password($password) ) { die(); } // Create a log-in form $form = new WP_Login_Form(); $form->set_password_field(‘password’, $password); $form->set_username_field(‘username’, $username); $form->set_submit_button(‘Log In’, ‘Log In’); $form->set_error_text_field(‘error’, ‘Invalid username or password’); $form->set_logged_in_field(‘logged_in’, 1); $form->set_logged_out_field(‘logged_out’, 0); $form->set_serialize(); return $form; }

The login function will accept the username and password entered on the login form as input, and it will also create a log-in form. The log-in form will have the following fields: a password field, a username field, a submit button, an error field, and two logged in fields.

The function will also serialize the form so that it can be sent to the login page.

Next, you will need to create the login page. To do this, open up the WordPress admin panel and go to Pages > Add New. On the page you will create, enter the following code:


The login page will simply contain a form with the following fields: a username field and a password field. The form will also have a button that will log the user in.

Once you have created the login page, you will need to add a link to it in the WordPress admin panel. To do this, go to Pages > Add New, and then enter the following code in the page’s content section:

Log In.