How Do I Edit Subtitles in WordPress?

Subtitles are an important part of any video or audio content, and can help viewers or listeners to understand the content more easily. However, if you’re not using subtitle files correctly in your WordPress blog or website, they can end up being difficult to edit or even remove.

In this article, we’ll show you how to edit subtitles in WordPress using the built-in tools, and provide a few tips on how to make subtitle files easier to use in the first place.

How to Edit Subtitles in WordPress

To edit subtitles in WordPress, first open the post or page where you want to add or edit the subtitles. Then click the “Subtitles” link in the menu bar at the top of the screen.

The Subtitles screen will open, where you can add, edit, or delete subtitles. Each subtitle entry is divided into several sections: Title, Description, Tags, and Media.

Title: The title of the subtitle is the text that appears in front of the video or audio content.

Description: The description of the subtitle is the text that appears beneath the video or audio content.

Tags: The tags of the subtitle are the keywords or phrases that the subtitle is associated with.

Media: The media of the subtitle is the file name or URL of the video or audio content that the subtitle is associated with.

You can add, edit, or delete subtitle entries in any order, and the Subtitles screen will automatically update to show the new entries.

To add a new subtitle, click the “Add new subtitle” button and enter the title, description, and tags of the subtitle. To edit an existing subtitle, double-click on the subtitle title to open the corresponding section of the Subtitles screen.

To delete a subtitle, select the subtitle and click the “Delete” button.

Subtitle Files in WordPress

Subtitle files in WordPress are usually .srt or .

sub files. When you add or edit a subtitle in WordPress, the Subtitles screen will automatically detect the type of subtitle file and allow you to select it.

However, if you want to add or edit a subtitle that doesn’t have a .

sub file extension, you’ll need to use a different method.

To add a subtitle that doesn’t have a .

sub file extension, you can use the “Add new subtitle” button to create a new subtitle file, and then enter the title, description, and tags of the subtitle.

To edit an existing subtitle without using a .

sub file extension, you can double-click on the subtitle title to open the corresponding section of the Subtitles screen, and then use the “Edit” button to modify the subtitle.


Subtitles are an important part of any video or audio content, and can help viewers or listeners to understand the content more easily. Editing subtitles in WordPress using the built-in tools is easy, and you can also use different methods if you need to add or edit a subtitle that doesn’t have a .

srt or .sub file extension.