How Do You Edit Something on WordPress?

Editing on WordPress is a great way to customize your site to suit your specific needs. There are a few different ways to edit something on WordPress:

1) Click on the gear icon in the top right corner of the screen and select “Settings.” In the “Settings” page, click on “General.”

2) On the “General” page, under “Site settings,” click on “Text editor.”

3) In the “Text editor” page, under “Content,” click on the “Edit” button.

4) In the “Edit” screen, you can change the title, description, and other details about the post. You can also add a photo, a video, and other elements.

5) To add a new post, click on the “Add new” button. In the “Add new” screen, you can enter the title, description, and other details about the post.

You can also add a photo, a video, and other elements.

6) To delete a post, click on the “Delete” button. In the “Delete” screen, you can enter the title, description, and other details about the post.

You can also delete the photo, the video, and other elements.

7) To save a post, click on the “Save” button. In the “Save” screen, you can enter the title, description, and other details about the post.

8) To publish a post, click on the “Publish” button. In the “Publish” screen, you can enter the title, description, and other details about the post.

9) To cancel a post, click on the “Cancel” button. In the “Cancel” screen, you can enter the title, description, and other details about the post.

10) To save a draft of a post, click on the “Draft” button. In the “Draft” screen, you can enter the title, description, and other details about the post.

11) To publish a draft of a post, click on the “Publish draft” button. In the “Publish draft” screen, you can enter the title, description, and other details about the post.

12) To revert a post, click on the “Revert” button. In the “Revert” screen, you can enter the title, description, and other details about the post.

13) To delete all posts, click on the “Clear posts” button. In the “Clear posts” screen, you can enter the title, description, and other details about the post.

14) To save all posts, click on the “Save all posts” button. In the “Save all posts” screen, you can enter the title, description, and other details about the post.

15) To publish all posts, click on the “Publish all posts” button. In the “Publish all posts” screen, you can enter the title, description, and other details about the post.

16) To rename a post, click on the “Rename post” button. In the “Rename post” screen, you can enter the new title for the post.

You can also change the description and other details about the post.

17) To add or change rates for a post, click on the “Edit post rates” button. In the “Edit post rates” screen, you can enter the new rate for the post.

You can also change the date and other details about the post.

18) To add or change tags for a post, click on the “Edit tags” button. In the “Edit tags” screen, you can enter the new tag for the post.

19) To add or change categories for a post, click on the “Edit categories” button. In the “Edit categories” screen, you can enter the new category for the post.

20) To add or change the author of a post, click on the “Edit author.