How Do I Find My WordPress Version CLI?

The WordPress version command-line interface (CLI) is a valuable tool for managing your WordPress site. It allows you to see your site’s version, update your site, and resolve common issues.

To use the WordPress version CLI, first make sure you have the correct tools installed. On macOS, you can install the wp version command-line tool with the command:

sudo install -g wpversion

On Linux, you can install the wp version command-line tool with the command:

sudo apt-get install wpversion

Next, you need to get your WordPress site’s version. To use the WordPress version CLI, you first need to know the site’s URL.

To get the URL, you can use the wp site info command-line tool. For example, to get the URL for my site, I would use the following command:.

wp site info

The output of this command will show the site’s name, version, and all the site’s files.

The next step is to use the WordPress version CLI to get the site’s version. To do this, you can use the wp version command-line tool. For example, to get the site’s version as a number, I would use the following command:

wp version

The output of this command will show the site’s version as a number.

Finally, you can use the WordPress version CLI to update the site. To do this, you can use the wp update command-line tool. For example, to update my site to the latest version, I would use the following command:

wp update

The output of this command will show the progress of the update.