How Do I Find the Featured Image Path in WordPress?


In order to use a featured image on your WordPress blog, you need to find the featured image path. This is a path that WordPress will use to find the image you uploaded.

To find the featured image path in WordPress, you can use the wp_get_image_path() function. This function takes three arguments: the post ID, the size of the image, and the destination path.

The destination path is where the image will be stored on your WordPress blog. The size of the image is the size of the image in bytes.

The post ID is the ID of the post where the image will be used.

Here is an example of how to use the wp_get_image_path() function to find the featured image path for a post with the ID of 123:

wp_get_image_path(123, ‘large’);

If you want to use a featured image on more than one post, you can use the wp_get_image_path() function multiple times. For example, if you want to use the featured image for three posts with the IDs of 123, 124, and 125, you would use the following code:

wp_get_image_path(124, ‘large’);

wp_get_image_path(125, ‘large’);.