How Do I Get My WordPress Page to Refresh Automatically?

To get your WordPress page to refresh automatically, you need to set up a cron job. To do this, first create a folder called “cron” within your WordPress site’s root directory.

Then, inside of that folder, create a file called “cron.php” and add the following code:.

‘0’ ,

‘minute’ => ‘0’ ,

‘day’ => ‘0’

) ;

$hour = time ( ) % 12 ;

$minute = time ( ) % 60 ;

$day = date ( ‘Y-m-d’ ) ;

$wp_schedule [ ‘cron’ ] = array (

‘hour’ => $hour,

‘minute’ => $minute,

‘day’ => $day,

‘hour_name’ => $schedule [ ‘hour’ ] ,

‘minute_name’ => $schedule [ ‘minute’ ] ,

‘day_name’ => $schedule [ ‘day’ ]


The code above will create a schedule of tasks that will run every hour, minute and day on the specified date. You will need to fill in the values for “hour”, “minute” and “day” according to your desired schedule.

To use this code, you will first need to create a file called “config.php” within your WordPress site’s root directory. Within that file, you will need to add the following line of code:.

define ( ‘WP_AUTO_REFRESH’ , true ) ;

Next, you will need to add the code from “cron.php” to your “config.

php” file. After that, you will need to create a file called “auto-refresh.php” within your WordPress site’s root directory and add the following code:.

$wp_schedule [ ‘auto-refresh’ ] = array (
