How Do I Copy a Page Content in WordPress?
Copying a Page Content in WordPress
In order to copy a page content in WordPress, you can use the following methods:
1. Use the Copy Page button in the Pages admin area.
2. Use the Copy Content button in the Posts admin area.
3. Use the WordPress copy command line tool.
This is the easiest way to copy a page content in WordPress. After you click the Copy Page button, the Copy Page dialog box will open.
In this dialog box, you can type the URL of the page that you want to copy, and then click the Copy button. The copied page will be added to the Pages list in the Posts admin area.
This is the easiest way to copy a page content in WordPress if you want to copy all the content of a page. After you click the Copy Content button, the Posts Content dialog box will open. The copied page will be added to the Posts list in the Posts admin area.
If you want to copy a page content in WordPress without using the Posts or Pages admin area, you can use the WordPress copy command line tool. To do this, you need to install the WordPress copy command line tool on your computer, and then use the following command to copy a page content:
wp copy page URL
The above command will copy the page content of the URL that you specify to the current directory.