What Does WordPress Uses to Structure Content Elements in a Web Page?

WordPress uses a post-type system to structure content elements on a web page. A post-type is a custom content type that WordPress creates to group together content that shares a common characteristic.

WordPress creates post-types based on the type of content you create on your site.

For example, you might create a post-type called “blog post” to group together all your blog posts. WordPress then uses the post-type system to structure your blog posts on a web page.

The post-type system determines how your blog posts are displayed on your web page.

WordPress uses the following post-type system to structure content on a web page:

1. Blog post
2. Page
3. Post
4. Page template
5. Custom post type
6. Taxonomies
7. Custom fields

9. Custom menus
10. Custom links
11. Custom menus items
12. Custom post type
13. Custom columns
14. Custom widget area.

1. Custom columns
13. Custom widget area
14. Custom posts.

The post-type system determines how your blog posts are displayed on your web page. WordPress uses the following post-type system to structure content on a web page:.