How Do I Resize an Image in WordPress Mobile?

There are a couple of ways you can resize images in WordPress Mobile. You can use the built-in WordPress Media Library, or you can use an external library like Grunge.

The WordPress Media Library is located in the Media menu of your WordPress site. To resize an image using the Media Library, select the image you want to resize, and then click the gear icon in the upper-right corner of the Media Library window.

The gear icon opens the Options panel, where you can specify the size of the image. The options you see depend on the size of the image you’re resizing.

If the image is small, you’ll see options like Fit to Page and Scale to Fill. If the image is large, you’ll see options like Resize to Fill and Scale to Fit.

To resize an image using an external library, you first need to include the library’s CSS file in your site’s CSS folder. Then, you can use the library’s methods to resize an image.

The Grunge library is a good example of an external library you can use to resize images. To use the Grunge library to resize an image, include the library’s CSS file in your site’s CSS folder, and then use the library’s methods to resize an image.