How Do I Add Expand Collapse in WordPress?

Adding expand collapse to a WordPress post or page is easy, as long as you have the right plugin and configuration in place. There are a number of plugins that allow you to do this, but the easiest way to add expand collapse is to use the WordPress collapse plugin. To add expand collapse to a post or page, go to the post or page, click the gear icon in the top right corner, and select Add New Feature. In the Add New Feature window, under the General category, select collapsed content.

In the expanded content field, enter a word or phrase that you want to use as the trigger for the expand collapse feature, and then select the collapse option. For example, if you want to use the word blog, enter blog in the expanded content field and select the collapse option. Click Save to add the expand collapse feature to the post or page. To use the expand collapse feature, go to the post or page, and click the expand button (the plus sign next to the word blog in the expanded content field).