How to Add Team Showcase to WordPress?

Adding a Team Showcase to your WordPress blog is an easy task, and can help you showcase your work in a visually appealing way. To add a Team Showcase, first create a new theme or plugin file, and then add the following code to it:

‘header-left’, ‘menu_class’ => ‘site-header-menu’, ‘container_class’ => ‘team-showcase’, ‘primary_item_class’ => ‘team-showcase-item’, ‘sub_item_class’ => ‘team-showcase-subitem’, ‘children_count’ => 20, ‘depth’ => 2, ‘primary_menu_item_id’ => ‘primary-menu-item-team-showcase’, ‘ secondary_menu_item_id’ => ‘secondary-menu-item-team-showcase’, ‘sub_menu_item_id’ => ‘sub-menu-item-team-showcase’, ‘menu_location’ => ‘header-left’ ), ‘page_title’ => ‘Our Team’, ‘primary_post_title’ => ‘Our Team’, ‘menu_link’ => ‘’ )); } add_action( ‘init’, ‘team_showcase’); ?>

In this code, we are using the wp_nav_menu() function to create a menu item for our Team Showcase. We also specify a few optional parameters, including the theme location (header-left), the menu class (site-header-menu), the container class (team-showcase), the primary menu item class (team-showcase-item), the sub menu item class (team-showcase-subitem), and the children count (20).

Finally, we specify the depth (2) and the primary menu item ID (primary-menu-item-team-showcase).

When you create this menu item, you will also need to add a corresponding template file to your theme. For example, if your theme is called “My Theme”, you would add the following file to your theme:

You can then include this file in your theme’s header.php file, like so:

Now, when you create a new post, you will be able to add a Team Showcase to it. Simply enter the following code in your post’s content area:

Our Team

View our team showcase

And that’s all there is to it! Your Team Showcase will now be displayed on the main page of your blog.