How Do I Add React App to WordPress?

Adding React App to WordPress

There’s no need to fear the React App integration. WordPress makes it easy to add React App as a plugin and get started with your next React project. Here’s how to do it:

1. Install the React App plugin.

2. Open the WordPress admin area and go to the Plugins screen.

3. Search for React App and click on the install button.

4. Click on the Activate Plugin button to activate the plugin.

5. In the React App plugin screen, click on the Settings tab.

6. Under the React App section, click on the Add New Site button.

7. Enter the site’s name and click on the Add Site button.

8. Under the Site Settings section, click on the React App tab.

9. In the React App tab, under the React App Settings section, click on the Add Site button.

10. In the Add Site dialog box, enter the site’s name and click on the Add Site button.

11. Click on the Activate Site button to activate the site.

12. Click on the Publish Sites button to publish the site.

13. Click on the Home button in the WordPress admin area to return to the WordPress main screen.

14. Click on the Posts tab to view the posts on the site.

15. Click on the Add New Post button to create a new post.

16. In the post editor, enter the post’s title and content and click on the Publish button.

17. Click on the React App link in the post’s metadata to open the post in the React App view.

18. Click on the React App link in the post’s title to open the post in the WordPress admin area.

19. Click on the Site Settings link in the React App view to open the site’s settings.

20. Under the Site Settings section, click on the React App URL setting.

21. In the React App URL setting dialog box, enter the site’s React App URL and click on the OK button.

22. Click on the Save Changes button to save the changes to the site’s React App URL.















37. Click on the Edit Post button to open the post’s Edit screen.

38. In the Edit Post dialog box, enter the post’s title and content and click on the Publish button.







45. Click on the Publish Sites.