How Do I Add a Navigation Block in WordPress?

Adding a navigation block to your WordPress site is simple, and can be done in just a few minutes. To add a navigation block, first go to your WordPress dashboard and click on the “Appearance” link in the left-hand column.

On the Appearance page, under the “Customize Your Site” heading, click on the “Navigation” link.

On the Navigation page, you’ll see a list of all the pages on your site. To add a new page, click on the “Add New Page” button. In the “Title” field, type a unique title for the page, such as “Homepage”. In the “ slug ” field, type the unique name of the page, such as “about-us”. In the “Page Type” field, select “Page”. In the “Page URL” field, type the full URL (without the http://) of the page, such as http://example.

com/about-us. In the “Page Template” field, click on the “Choose a Template” button and select the “Page Template” you want to use. In the “Theme” field, select the theme you want to use for the page. In the “Plugin” field, click on the “Choose a Plugin” button and select the “Navigation” plugin. In the “Enabled” field, check the box to enable the navigation block. In the “Sort Pages” field, click on the “Sort Pages” button and select the “Title” column to sort the pages by.

Now that the page is set up, you can add the navigation block to the page. To add the navigation block, click on the “Add a Block” button. In the “Block Type” field, select “Navigation”. In the “Block Name” field, type a unique name for the navigation block, such as “Home”. In the “Block ID” field, type the unique ID of the navigation block. In the “Page URL” field, type the full URL (without the http://) of the page the navigation block will appear on, such as http://example.


Now your page will have a navigation block at the top, with the page title, the page URL, and the page template listed. You can now add links to the pages in the navigation block, using the same instructions you use to add any other type of link.

When you’re done, click on the “Close” button to close the navigation block editor.

Congratulations! You’ve added a navigation block to your WordPress site!.