How Do I Update Post Meta Data in WordPress?

Meta data, also known as post meta data, is data about a post that is not visible to the user. This data can be used to help improve the search engine optimization (SEO) of a post, or to categorize and organize posts.

To update post meta data in WordPress, click on the Posts tab in the admin area, and then click on the post you want to update. On the right-hand side of the post screen, click on the Edit button. On the Edit Post screen, under the General heading, click on the Meta Data tab.

In the Meta Data section, you will find a list of all the post meta data fields. To update a field, simply enter the new value in the text box next to the field, and then click on the Update button.

When you are finished updating post meta data, click on the Publish button to publish the post.


Updating post meta data in WordPress is a simple process that can help improve the SEO of a post.