How Do I Remove Custom Post Type Slug From WordPress URL?

When you create a custom post type in WordPress, you can give it a custom slug. This slug is automatically generated and appears in the URL for the post type, like this:

If you want to remove the custom slug from the URL, you can do this by following these steps:

1. Log into your WordPress website.

2. In the WordPress administration area, click on the Posts tab.

3. Click on the post that you want to change the slug for.

4. In the Edit Post screen, next to the Title field, click on the Details button.

5. In the Details screen, under the Publish Fields section, click on the Slug field.

6. In the Slug field, enter a new slug for the post.

7. Click on the Save Changes button.

8. Your post will now have a new slug.

9. The custom slug will no longer appear in the URL for the post.