Can You Embed Instagram Post in WordPress?

Instagram is a popular photo and video sharing social media platform with over 1 billion active users. Instagram posts can be embedded in WordPress posts using the WP_Embed plugin.

When you embed a post from Instagram in your WordPress blog, the post will include all of the native Instagram features, including the ability to share photos and videos with your followers, and see updates from friends in your feed.

To embed a post from Instagram in your WordPress blog, you first need to install the WP_Embed plugin. After you have installed the plugin, you will need to add the Instagram post address (URL) to your WordPress blog’s posts list.

To find the Instagram post address, open the Instagram app on your mobile device, and click on the Posts tab. The URL for the current post will be displayed in the text field below the post.

To embed a post from Instagram in your WordPress blog post, you will need to copy the post’s URL and paste it into the WP_Embed plugin’s posts field. After you have added the post’s URL, you will need to click on the OK button to embed the post.

When you embed a post from Instagram in your WordPress blog post, the post will include all of the native Instagram features, including the ability to share photos and videos with your followers, and see updates from friends in your feed.