How Do I Display Custom Post Type in Front End in WordPress?

Custom post types in WordPress are a powerful way to organize your content. You can create custom post types to group together content that has a specific purpose, such as a blog post, an event listing, or a gallery.

To display a custom post type in the front end of your WordPress site, follow these steps:

1. Add a new custom post type in the Posts section of the WordPress admin.

2. In the custom post type settings, add a title and a description.

3. Add any required taxonomies and categories.

4. Add any required custom fields.

5. In the front-end of your WordPress site, add a new post type page.

6. In the post type settings, add a title and a description.



9. Add a link to the custom post type page in the post content area.

10. Save your changes.

Now your custom post type will be visible in the front end of your WordPress site. You can use it to group together content that has a specific purpose, and you can also use it to create custom pages for your content.