How Do I Manually Install WordPress via FTP?

If you want to install WordPress manually via FTP, you’ll first need to create a directory for the WordPress installation. Then, you’ll need to login to your FTP server and upload the WordPress files to the new directory.

Finally, you’ll need to create a new WordPress site in the new directory and configure it to your liking.

To create a directory for the WordPress installation, login to your FTP server and navigate to the directory where you want the WordPress installation to live. For example, if you’re installing WordPress in the directory /var/www/html/WordPress, you would enter the following command into your FTP client:

mkdir /var/www/html/WordPress

Next, you’ll need to upload the WordPress files to the new directory. To do this, you’ll need to login to your FTP server and navigate to the directory where the WordPress files are located. For example, if the WordPress files are located in the directory /var/www/html/WordPress/wp-content, you would enter the following command into your FTP client:


You’ll then need to enter the following commands into your FTP client to upload the WordPress files to the new directory:

mput /var/www/html/WordPress/wp-content/* /var/www/html/WordPress

Once the WordPress files have been uploaded, you’ll need to create a new WordPress site in the new directory and configure it to your liking. To do this, you’ll need to enter the following command into your FTP client:

mkdir /var/www/html/WordPress/wp-content/site-name

Next, you’ll need to enter the following command to create a new WordPress site in the new directory:

wp init

You’ll then need to enter the following configuration settings for the new WordPress site:

name: My Site


admin login: admin

admin password: password

Once the WordPress site has been configured, you’ll need to activate it by entering the following command into your FTP client:


Finally, you’ll need to visit the site in your web browser and enter the admin login and admin password to configure it to your liking.