Is WordPress Gutenberg Free?

WordPress is a content management system (CMS) created by, a subsidiary of Automattic, Inc.

It is a free and open source software project released under the GPL license. WordPress is available in a variety of languages and can be installed on a wide variety of servers.

Gutenberg is the new content editor that was introduced in WordPress 4.9. It is a completely redesigned editor that is built on the WordPress platform.

While WordPress Gutenberg is still in beta, it is available to all users of WordPress 4.9 and later.

There are a number of concerns that have been raised about Gutenberg. While Automattic has promised to listen to feedback and make changes, some people are concerned that the new editor could damage theWordPress ecosystem.

While WordPress Gutenberg is still in beta, it is available to all users of WordPress 4.

If you are concerned about the impact of Gutenberg on your WordPress site, you can opt-out of the beta program and continue using the old editor.