How Do I Make My WordPress Menu Horizontal?

Making your WordPress menu horizontal can be a bit of a challenge, but it’s definitely doable. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

1. Use a plugin

One of the easiest ways to make your WordPress menu horizontal is to use a plugin. There are a number of plugins available that will do the job automatically, including Menu horizontalizer and Menu bar plugin.

2. Customize your menu

If you don’t want to use a plugin, you can still make your menu horizontal by customizing it yourself. This involves creating a custom style for your menu, and then using that style in your WordPress theme.

3. Use a menu builder

If you don’t want to customize your menu, or you want to make more than one menu, you can use a menu builder. These tools allow you to create custom menus quickly and easily, without having to learn any coding.


Making your WordPress menu horizontal can be a bit of a challenge, but it’s definitely doable. Using a plugin or customizing your menu can both be easy ways to get started.

If you don’t want to use either of these options, you can use a menu builder to quickly and easily create a custom menu.