Can I Make My WordPress Private?

Private WordPress installations are a great way to protect your site and data from unwanted access. However, private WordPress installations can be difficult to create.

In this article, we will show you how to create a private WordPress installation on a server.

First, you will need to set up a server with WordPress installed. You can use a hosted WordPress service or install WordPress yourself. Once you have WordPress installed, follow these steps to create a private WordPress installation:

1. Go to the WordPress admin panel and select “Settings” from the top menu.

2. In the “Settings” screen, under “General,” click on the “Privacy” tab.

3. Under the “Privacy” tab, you will see a list of settings that you can change.

Click on the “Permalink Settings” button to open the “Permalink Settings” screen.

4. In the “Permalink Settings” screen, you will see a “Site Title” and a “Site Description” field.

Change the “Site Title” and the “Site Description” fields to something unique.

5. Next, you will need to create a “Custom Domain” for your WordPress site.

To do this, go to the “Domains” screen in the WordPress admin panel and enter the custom domain in the “Domain” field.

6. Next, you will need to create a “WordPress wp-config.

php” file. To do this, open the “File” menu in the WordPress admin panel and select “New File.”.

7. In the “New File” screen, enter the following information in the “File Name” field:

define(‘WP_USE_W3C_AJAX’, true);

8. Click on the “Upload” button to upload the “wp-config.

php” file to your server.

9. Next, you will need to create a “wp-sign.

10. In the “New File” screen, enter the following information in the “File Name” field:

define(‘WP_SIGNING_CERT’, ‘path/to/wp-sign.pem’);

11. Click on the “Upload” button to upload the “wp-sign.

12. Finally, you will need to create a “wp-config.

13. In the “New File” screen, enter the following information in the “File Name” field:

define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘WordPress’);


15. Congratulations! You have now created a private WordPress installation on your server.