Can You Change the Background Color on WordPress?

Background colors are one of the most basic and commonly used features of WordPress. They can be changed on a per-post or per-page basis, and they can be easily customized using a few simple commands.

To change the background color on a post or page:

1. Open the post or page in your editor.

2. In the top left corner of the editor, click the “Background” button.

3. On the “Background” tab, underneath “Background Color,” you will see a list of available colors.

4. To select a new color, click on the desired color in the list.

5. To apply the new color to the post or page, click on the “Apply” button.

6. To preview the changes, click on the “Preview” button.

7. If you want to make further changes to the background color, click on the “Customize” button, and make your changes.

8. Click on the “Apply” button to apply your changes.

9. Click on the “Preview” button to preview the changes.

10. Click on the “Publish” button to publish your post or page with the new background color.


Changing the background color on WordPress is a simple task that can be easily accomplished using the available options. The color selection is comprehensive, and the preview feature allows you to preview the changes before publishing.