Can You Change WordPress Permalink?

Changing a WordPress permalink can be a daunting task, but it is possible with a bit of know-how. It is important to remember that permalinks are not simply links to your posts – they are also used to determine the order of your posts in the WordPress search engine.

If you want to move a post up or down in the search results, changing the permalink is the best way to do it.

The process of changing a WordPress permalink is relatively simple. The first step is to determine the post’s existing permalink.

To do this, open the post in a browser and head to the URL displayed in the address bar. This address will look something like this: title.

The post’s permalink will be the last part of this URL, preceded by a /. In this example, the permalink for the post titled “How to Set Up Your WordPress Blog” is “http://domain.


Now that you have the post’s permalink, the next step is to change it. To do this, click on the “Permalink” link located beneath the post’s title in the WordPress editor.

This will open the post’s permalink in a new tab or window.

To change the permalink, enter the new, desired URL into the “Permalink” field and click on the “Update” button. Once the update has been completed, the new permalink will be displayed in the “Permalink” field and the old permalink will be hidden.

Remember to always use the “Permalink” link when editing posts – it will automatically update the permalink for you whenever you make any changes to the post’s content. If you ever need to revert back to the old permalink, simply click on the “Permalink” link and enter the old URL into the “Permalink” field.

Finally, it is important to remember that permalinks are case-sensitive. So, “How to Set Up Your WordPress Blog” will be different than “How to Set Up Your WordPress Blog” and “How to set up your WordPress blog” will be different than “How to set up your WordPress blog”.