Can You Report a WordPress Site?

There are a few different ways that you can report a WordPress site if you believe that it is not meeting the guidelines. Firstly, you can report the site to the moderators.

Secondly, you can report the site to Finally, you can report the site to the hosting provider.

Reporting a site to moderators is the first step in the process of taking action against the site. If the site is not meeting the guidelines, then the moderators will likely take action to ensure that the site meets those guidelines.

The moderators may remove the site from the site or they may give the site specific instructions on how to meet the is a different process than reporting a site to the moderators. is a hosting provider that allows users to publish websites. If you believe that a site is not meeting the guidelines for WordPress.

com, you can report the site to will then remove the site from the hosting provider’s site.

Reporting a site to the hosting provider is the last step in the process of taking action against a site. If the site is not meeting the guidelines for WordPress.

org,, or the hosting provider, then the hosting provider may take action to remove the site from the online presence.