How Can I Send Free SMS From WordPress?

WordPress is a great platform for creating a website or blog, but it can also be used to send free text messages (SMS). In this article, we will show you how to send free SMS from WordPress.

To send a free SMS from WordPress, you will first need to install the SMS plugin from the WordPress Plugin Directory. Once installed, you will need to activate the plugin. To activate the plugin, go to the plugin’s settings page and enter your phone number in the “SMS Number” field. You will then need to provide the plugin with your WordPress user ID and password.

After providing the plugin with your information, you will need to set up your SMS messages. To set up your SMS messages, go to the plugin’s “SMS Messages” page and enter the text message you want to send in the “Text Message” field. After providing the plugin with your information, you will need to click the “send message” button to send the message to your phone.

Congratulations! You have now successfully sent a free SMS from WordPress.