How Do I Add a Class to the Menu UL in WordPress?

Adding a new class to the WordPress menu is easy. First, open up the wp-config.

php file in your WordPress install. Then, find the line that says:.

define(‘MENU_UL_CLASS’, ‘menu-ul’);

and change it to read:

define(‘MENU_UL_CLASS’, ‘my-new-class’);

Now you need to add the my-new-class folder to the include path in your WordPress site. To do this, open up the wp-config.php file again and find the line that says:


and add the following line after the include_path line:


Finally, you need to activate the my-new-class class in your WordPress site. To do this, open up your WordPress admin panel and go to the Settings -> Reading -> General tab.

There you will find a section called “Classes”. In this section, you will need to click on the “Add new” button and enter the name of the my-new-class class that you just added to your WordPress site. Click on the “OK” button to save the changes and you are done!.