How Do I Add a Class to WordPress Nav Menu Li?

Adding a new class to the WordPress Nav Menu is easy. Just go to the Appearance > Widgets area and drag and drop the class you want to add into the Widget Area.

After you’ve added the class, go to the Widgets > Menu widget area and select the newly created class from the list.

To add a new menu item, just create a new menu item and add the required HTML code. You can also use the Widgets > Menu widget area to create custom menus and add them to your website.

Just drag and drop the menu items you want into the widget area and they will be displayed on the website.

If you want to create a custom menu, you can use the Widgets > Menu widget area to add custom menu items. Just drag and drop the menu items you want into the widget area and they will be displayed on the website.

You can also use the Widgets > Menu widget area to create custom menus and add them to your website.