How Do I Add a Contact Form to My WordPress Site?

Adding a contact form to your WordPress site is easy. Just follow these steps:

1. Go to your WordPress site’s admin area and click on the “Appearance” tab.

2. Under the “Contact Form” heading, click on the “Add New” button.

3. In the “Contact Form” screen, you will need to enter the following information:

– Name: This is the name that will appear in the contact form’s header

– Email Address: This is the email address that will be used to send contact form submissions

– Website: This is the website that the contact form will be associated with

– Description: This is a short description of the contact form

4. Click on the “Save” button to save the contact form.

5. In the “Contact Form” screen, you will now need to enter the following information for each contact form submission:

– Name: The name of the contact person

– Email Address: The email address of the contact person

– Message: The message that the contact person would like to send

– Submit Button: The button that will be used to submit the contact form

6. Click on the “Preview” button to view the contact form in your browser.

7. Click on the “Publish” button to publish the contact form on your WordPress site.

8. Click on the “Contact Form” link on the main WordPress page to view the contact form’s submissions.

9. Click on the “Edit” button to make any necessary changes to the contact form’s settings.

10. Click on the “Delete” button to delete the contact form from your WordPress site.


Adding a contact form to your WordPress site is easy and can help you increase the number of contact submissions that you receive.