How Do I Add a Copyright Image to WordPress?

Adding a copyright image to WordPress can be a pain if you don’t know how to do it. There are a few different ways to go about it, and each has its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Here are the most common methods:

Adding a Custom Background Image

The easiest way to add a copyright image to WordPress is to add a custom background image. Simply go to your WordPress Dashboard and click on the “Appearance” tab.

Under the “Background” heading, click on the “Custom Background Image” link. You’ll then be able to upload a file to your website.

One downside to this method is that you have to remember to update your background image every time you make changes to your website’s theme.

Using an External Copyright Image Library

Another way to add a copyright image to WordPress is to use an external copyright image library. This approach is more complicated, but it allows you to add copyright images to your website without having to remember to update your background image.

To use an external copyright image library, first decide which type of copyright image you want to use. There are a number of different copyright image types available, including copyright images for music, books, movies, and software.

Next, find an appropriate copyright image library. There are a number of copyright image libraries available online, including royalty-free and commercial image libraries.

Once you’ve found an appropriate copyright image library, download the library onto your computer. Then, open the library in a browser window and search for the copyright image you want to use.

Finally, add the copyright image to your website by copying and pasting the URL of the copyright image into the “Image URL” field of the “Background Image” section of your WordPress Dashboard.

Using a Copyright Image plugin

One final way to add a copyright image to WordPress is to use a copyright image plugin. This approach is the most complicated, but it allows you to add copyright images to your website with minimal effort.

To use a copyright image plugin, first decide which type of copyright image you want to use.

Next, find a copyright image plugin that suits your needs. There are a number of copyright image plugins available online, including copyright image plugins for WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal.

Once you’ve found a copyright image plugin that suits your needs, install the plugin onto your website.


Adding a copyright image to WordPress can be a pain if you don’t know how to do it.