How Do I Add a Exit Intent Pop Up in WordPress?

When you create a WordPress website, you are likely using the default theme. If you are not, you can find a free theme on the WordPress website.

There are many themes to choose from, and each one can have different features.

One of the features that is common to many themes is the ability to add an exit intent pop up. This is a pop up that asks the user if they want to exit the website.

If the user clicks the exit button, the website will close.

Adding an exit intent pop up is easy. first, you will need to find the file that controls the pop up. This file is located in the wp-content folder.

The file name is typically exitintent.php .

Next, you will need to open this file. It will be in a text editor, such as Notepad. At the top of the file, you will see a line that says:

/* Add an Exit Intent Pop Up */

Next, you will need to add the code that controls the pop up. This code will look like this:

The first line of code tells WordPress what function to use to create the pop up. The second line of code tells WordPress what parameters to use when creating the pop up.

Next, you will need to add the code that will actually create the pop up. This code will look like this:

The first line of code tells WordPress to create a button that will be used to exit the website. The second line of code tells WordPress to call the wp_exit() function when the button is clicked.

Finally, you will need to add the code that will actually exit the website. This code will look like this:

This line will actually exit the website.