How Do I Add a Language Selector in WordPress?

Adding a language selector in WordPress is a fairly straightforward process. First, you will need to create a new file called wp-config.php and add the following lines of code:

define( ‘LANGUAGE’, ‘en_US’);

Next, you will need to add a new language filter to your WordPress posts and pages. To do this, open the posts and pages editor and locate the “Edit Post” or “Edit Page” button, as shown in the following screenshot:

Once you have clicked on this button, you will be presented with the post or page editor. On the left-hand side of the editor, locate the “Columns” category and then click on the “Add New” button.

On the “Columns” page that will open, click on the “Language” category and then select the “Filter” tab. Next, locate the “Text” field and enter the following code:


Finally, click on the “Save” button and you will be done! When you now post or page content in English, it will be filtered through the language_filter() function and displayed in English.