How Do I Add a Loading Screen in WordPress?
Adding a loading screen in WordPress is a fairly easy process. First, you need to create a new file in your WordPress site called loading.php. This file will contain all of the code necessary to add a loading screen.
Next, you need to add a couple of lines of code to load the loading.php file. Finally, you need to add a link to the loading.php file from your WordPress site’s header.
To add a loading screen in WordPress, first create a new file called loading.php in your WordPress site.
The first line of the file should simply be .
Next, you need to add a link to the loading. To do this, you should add the following line of code to your WordPress site’s header.
This line will create a link that will take visitors to the loading.
Finally, you should add a couple of lines of code to load the loading.
These lines should simply load the loading.php file and display the name of your website and the amount of time it will take for the page to load.
When you create your loading screen, you should also make sure to include a disclaimer about the loading process. Including a disclaimer about the loading process will help to speed up the loading process for your visitors.
Adding a loading screen in WordPress is a fairly easy process. By following these simple steps, you can quickly create a loading screen that will display the name of your website and the amount of time it will take for the page to load.