How Do I Add a Menu to Page Content in WordPress?
Adding a menu to page content in WordPress can be a bit tricky, but with a few steps it can be done. The first step is to determine what type of menu you would like to add.
There are a few types of menus that you can use in WordPress: custom menus, menu items, custom menus with items, and custom menus with links.
Custom Menus
Custom menus are the easiest type of menu to add to your content. To create a custom menu, first determine what you want your menu to contain. You can add custom menu items, custom menu links, or both. To add a custom menu item, add a line of code to your post or page.
To add a custom menu link, add a line of code to your post or page. To add both a custom menu item and a custom menu link, place both lines of code on the same post or page.
Menu Items
Menu items are similar to custom menu items, but they contain more information. To create a menu item, first determine what you want your menu item to contain. You can add a title, a description, and a link. To add a title, place a title tag in the of your post or page.
To add a description, place a
Menu links are similar to custom menu links, but they contain more information. To create a menu link, first determine what you want your menu link to contain. You can add a title, a description, and a Target. To add a Target, place a tag in the of your post or page.